We help Healthcare Payers increase revenue opportunities

and lower cost by making it easy for members to enroll in their plans


Web Insure Exchange Manager

Connzio WEM solution is a cloud based Enrollment automation solution.  It allows Health Plans to on-demand connect with Public and Private Health Insurance Exchanges and seamlessly receive member enrollments.


Connzio Connect

Connzio Connect Solution  allows Payers to easily connect with different Benefit Administration Solutions making it easy for them to receive membership enrollments.


Private Individual Portal

Connzio PHIX solution allows Payers to easily set up their own online store or marketplace where individuals and employees can shop for health plans, dental and vision plans and other voluntary products.

EDE Solution

Enhanced Direct Enrollment

Connzio EDE solution allows Payers to let consumers shop and enroll in on-exchange plans all the while keeping their brand in front of them.

What people are
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John Doe
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.
John Doe

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